JUDICIARY Latest Features

Bwizibwera Court Holds First DCC Meeting
Members of the DCC in Bwizibwera

On Wednesday March 6,2024, Bwizibwera Magistrate's court, Mbarara held its very first District Chainlinked Committee (DCC) meeting. The meeting was chaired by HW Andrew Kabombo, Chief Magistrate, Mbarara. 

The Meeting was attended by stakeholders from Uganda Prisons Services, Uganda Police Force, Community Service Officers, Probation Officers, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. also present was the Mayor of Bwizibwera Rutoma Town Council, Mr. Patrick Tumuhimbise, and the Resident District Commissioner of Mbarara District, Emmy Kateera of Mbarara district.

Several issues were discussed including the need to promote collaboration among the different stakeholders in the administration of justice.

It was also agreed that the meeting be held on a quarterly basis.

HW Nasasiira Bridget, the Magistrate Grade I in-charge of Bwizibwera- thanked the different members for honoring the invitation and turning up to deliberate on issues affecting the administration of justice.

Other Magistrates in attendance were Magistrates Grade I; HW Nyevu Aziiza (Rubindi), HW Baguma Alex(Mbarara), HW Esther Bagala Luyiga (Mbarara).

Posted 6th, March 2024
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